“Reflections” is an intimate writing series penned by Chardelle Moore and produced via Motivational Moore.

Journey in grace. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I'm a seeker. I spend a lot of time exploring myself, philosophies, art, nature, ideas, and people. I've always been a deep thinker and enjoy conversing with people from all walks of life.

In my observation of myself, people, and society, we humans struggle to give ourselves grace.  We are constantly bombarded with information that can trigger a feeling of lack. For example, you can only be happy when you reach this goal weight, make this amount of money, look like this, own this, have this, etc. When the truth is happiness comes from within, and while external factors can help you feel good momentarily, they can never replace true self-love and inner power.  

No one can be you, and no two people have the same story. By giving ourselves grace, we can develop greater compassion for ourselves and others and better understand the collective human experience. 

 - Chardelle Moore

chardelle moore