“Reflections” is an intimate writing series penned by Chardelle Moore and produced via Motivational Moore.

Photography by Rachel Ford

If there is one thing that I’m learning in this life journey is to flow, not force. To be fully transparent, I accomplish every goal I put my mind to. It may take months or years, but it always happened in divine time. 

One of my favorite philosophies is “to do your best and let God do the rest.” Regardless of your goals, dreams, visions, or ideas, I believe it’s our responsibility to put in the effort, journey in grace, and let God handle it.

For anything to bloom in life, it must undergo a process. Nothing is exempt. People, animals, nature, ideas, businesses, and so on all partake in metamorphosis. It takes patience and faith to keep going when challenges present themselves.

I’m also learning the importance of anchoring in the present. When we make the most of the moment, life becomes a precious gift and should be treated as such. As someone who can overthink, practicing consciousness and mindfulness has allowed me to grow internally and build a deeper understanding of myself and others.

Everything in life is connected. So, when we flow consciously, we are more aware of what we are doing and noticeably recognize the dots that align with our destiny. It takes practice, but remember the joy of being in the now—the magic that can unfold and what you can learn.

There is a reason why you are reading this blog post. Enjoy it. Nothing is a coincidence.

- Chardelle Moore

chardelle moore